* Parents or any other person should not visit the classes or meet the teachers during school hours without prior permission of the principal. They should come during the visiting hours only

* Students should not remain absent from school without permission

* Students should be regular and punctual in attending the school

* Students will not be sent home before time except on a written request from the parents. The permission may be granted by the principal only for very special reasons

* No books, periodicals, comics etc. should be brought to the school without the approval of the principal. Mobile or any other instruments or items can be confiscated.

* It is suggested that student should not bring money, valuables, Jewellery etc. The school will not be responsible on their loss

* While leaving the classrooms, the lights and fans must be switched off

* Transport is just a facility and school tries its best to provide uninterruptible services but does not guarantee it regularity always. In case school is unable to provide such services, parents should send their ward at their own conveyance.

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